Some accuse the Gospel of being a delusion. Powerful delusion, all-conquering delusion, earth-quaking delusion of the Christian religion. Yea, it goes on, it is so impertinent, and it is so overbearing, this chimera of the Gospel, that it has conquered the great picture galleries of the world, the old masters and the young masters, and having done this it is not satisfied until it has conquered the music of the world.
Yes this chimera of the Gospel is not satisfied until it goes on and builds itself into the most permanent architecture, so it seems as if the world is never to get rid of it. What are some of the finest buildings in the world? St. Paul’s, St. Peter’s, the churches and cathedrals of all Christendom.
Yes, this impertinence of the Gospel, this vast delusion is not satisfied until it projects itself, and in one year gives, contributes $6,250,000 to foreign missions. The work of which is to make dunces and fools on the other side of the world—people we have never seen.—TALMAGE.